
Showing posts from May, 2021

How to Estimate a Paint Job - Painting Contractors, the Estimate Form

 You can use any number of templates for your estimate. You can design your own with a template or use a spreadsheet like Excel; here are some things that are necessary for your estimate. I like to do my estimates on the PC, by typing, mostly because I have poor hand writing, and because a type written estimate looks more professional. 1) Your company logo, Use a simple easily recognized logo. The logo should be part of your permanent template. The idea of using a logo is that when you use the same logo on estimate, cards, job signs and stationery. The customer sees your logo and before reading your name, they recognize that it is your company. Big companies use logos with huge success. Using a logo also positions your company apart from many other painters, which is good. 2) The next thing should be part of the permanent template also; your address block is very important, because this is where you put all your contact information. Company name, address, phone number, email and we...

Why Does Anyone Need A Professional Web Designer?

 With a plethora of website design and website building tools available today why does anyone need a web designer? In fact, if you shop around, you can build a well presented web site for free. So why pay a web designer? This short article will not try and persuade you to pay a web designer , but show you why you should use a professional web designer. A good website needs to address multiple challenges:-     Websites need visitors and in turn it must convert those visitors into customers.     Websites need to work across multiple browsers.     Websites need to be accessible to multiple audiences and comply with the accessibility guidelines     Websites require good layout, design & graphics To bring it all together takes skill and takes a professional. But above all, websites require good content. DIY You can do your web design and build your own website. But then again you can do all the building, gas, electrical, p...